The Widgety Cruise & Tour API

A fully flexible, easy to use, all-in-one multi currency REST API for Cruise and Touring with detailed itineraries, pricing, availability, cruise ships & destination content.


Are you a travel agent or IT provider looking to build your own bespoke holiday solution without the hassle of regularly updating content?

Designed from the ground up to be as flexible as possible, the Widgety Cruise & Tour API aims to provide all of the content available on the platform in a way that allows customers to use it on their own websites and solutions. This ensures that the content you are interested in featuring will update on your website without you having to ever look at it.

If you would like a test API key please contact us. You will be able to use our developer website to make live requests and get instant results, allowing you to understand and experience the API without needing to commit or invest in full development.

There are two versions of the Widgety API:

Our Cruise API, also known as V2, includes cruise pricing, itineraries, availability (where provided) and ship content, in GBP.

Our Cruise & Tour API, or V3, is brand new and brings together cruise and touring, with pre and post packages, multi-market options and multi-currencies.

You can see a full comparison of features below.

Cruises & Tours Together

Available now, our new Cruise & Tour API features both cruise and tour packages with the same level of detail – if not greater – as our previous API.
This new API, with its new structure, allows us to expand and provide additional types of holidays, not just cruise and tours. It is the backbone of our future Cruise & Tour Search, which will allow you to search across both cruise and tours in the same place. It will allow us to provide a wealth of additional information, including (when available):
  • pre and post packages
  • extensions
  • upgrades
  • transport options
  • operator-specific imagery for itineraries

Dive Deep Into Tours

As we upgrade cruise lines this summer and add in new tour operators, the new API will include pre and post holiday extensions.

Tours will feature meals included, number of days, the operating season, age ranges, comfort ratings, group sizes and transport options.

The itineraries themselves will indicate what type of travel will happen each day, whether it be cruise, land, rail or air. Cruise elements will seamlessly link to the cruise ship content, allowing you, for example, to get information about a specific cabin alongside its advertised price. This will allow us to make the most of our core product.

Multiple Markets, Multiple Currencies

Our new API will see all operators upgraded to show holidays in all currencies offered, for every market they sell to.

Unbundling A Cruise

Cruise is where Widgety started and the new API will feature an upgrade to cruises to offer a

  • text based detailed explanation of all fare sets
  • what’s included on a cruise
  • pre and post cruise extensions

The API also brings together availability, pricing and cabin information to allow detailed searches for cruises available on ships with cabins that offer specific facilities such as a bath, interlocking cabins or a butler service.

Easy Access to New Operators

Our new comprehensive dashboard will keep your sales, marketing and IT team up to date with new operators coming onboard, as well as new holidays, changes and cancellations. It will also allow you to easily request and gain access to new operators without needing to call or email us to update your API Key.

Future Extras

As we bring in new holiday integrations and upgrade existing ones, we will start adding in itinerary-specific images from each of the operators when they are not available directly in their feed, allowing us to provide beautiful imagery alongside all of the holidays available on the Widgety system.
Once our new Cruise and Tour Search is available, we are planning to add its comparison function into the API to allow you to request and compare different types of holidays, ships and operators, right from your own website.

API Product Comparison - Available Content

Cruises API (V2) Holidays API (V3)
Holiday Types
Cruise Holidays
Touring Holidays -
API Architecture/Requests
Get full holiday details - 1 per holiday (includes dates and pricing)
Get all departure information 2 per departure 2 per holiday (all departures) or 1 per departure
Get all applicable itineraries for a holiday -
Breakdown by operating seasons -
Markets & Languages (when available)
Pricing for individual markets
Localised descriptions - when available
Holiday Details (when available)
What's Included -
Highlights -
Age max/min -
Comfort Rating -
Meals Description -
Tags -
Activities -
Images -
Links One link only
Attachments -
Pricing Details
Headline Prices
Seasons Prices -
Double Occupancy
Single Occupancy when available
Triple Occupancy when available
Quad Occupancy - when available
Infant + Children - when available
Offers when available
Description when available
Transport information when available
Transport pricing when available
Transport class - when available
Cabin Name (cruise only)
Cabin Code (cruise only)
Cabin Type (cruise only) -
Ship information (for Cruise Holidays)
Ship description
Accommodation breakdown by cabin
Ability to connect pricing to individual cabin description
Itinerary Details
One request for all Itineraries -
Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner inclusion - when available
Day type (cruise, flight, land) -
Day title - when available
General day description when available
UNLOCODE mapped locations (incl. lat/longs and country)
Operator location descriptions when available
Operator location imagery - when available
Widgety-sourced location imagery - when available
Accommodation - when available
Accommodation rating - when available
Accommodation description - when available
Accommodation imagery - when available


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