About Us

Behind the scenes

We are Widgety

Widgety was created in the Summer of 2014, initially providing basic cruise ship content to travel agents. There was a simple API and our first Widget that allowed a search for ships on our platform. 

Two years later in 2016 we started adding brochures, expanding the range of ship information and adding in basic itineraries and pricing. 

In 2018 we launched an easy to embed Cruise Search that allowed travel agents to find a cruise ship or range of itineraries and post the link to social media or use in email marketing, and then a year later we started to work with tour operators to add in their brochures to our platform.

Every relationship is personal and we know and work with the majority of cruise lines in the UK and abroad. We care passionately about the detail and accuracy of the content in our platform.

We have grown our initial team to 20, ripped up ideas, re-built Widgets and re-envisaged the API. The basic principle has not changed however: Widgety does not not build websites, we are purely a technology platform that tries to make it easy to access the content you require to sell the holidays you wish to focus on. 

We build solutions that hopefully fit all budgets, are completely flexible and easy to install. We also make it really clear what you are paying for, what content we have and where it comes from.

Our Timeline

January 1, 2014

Widgety Launched


10 Cruise Lines |
30 Travel Agents

January 1, 2014


The First Widgets


Brochure Rack

The ability to add any brochure from a cruise line into a series of customisable shelves to embed on a website  

Ship iFrames

The ability to create an embeddable Widget for a website for any cruise ship.


API V1 Launched

Basic itineraries & pricing manually added via a third party.



API Image Resizer

Gave the ability to directly request an image for a website at any size, with Widgety doing all the work.  

14 Cruise Lines | 70 Travel Agents



The Cruise Search

The first Widget allowing an embeddable Cruise Search for a website and Facebook page.



API V2 Launched

The new version also saw the launch of our developer and support websites. API V2 gave the ability to export cruises in any format.


19 Cruise Lines | 120 Travel Agents



Direct Cruise Line Integrations

Hourly or daily feeds from cruise lines with full pricing and availability. 

Trade brochures added.



Smart Linking

Find and create a unique link for any result on the Cruise Search, and embed them as specialised Widgets.

34 Cruise Lines | 180 Travel Agents



API Upgrades

Ships – Every cabin classified by type, grade code, facilities on board. New content on sustainability, plug sockets and more. 

Ports & Destinations – New option to request port information, images and destination copy. 

Daily Itineraries – The unique daily itinerary for a cruise added where available. 



Mon Petit Pois

French & Spanish versions of the Cruise Search launched.


Weekly emails to over 1000 travel agents with updates on all the latest changes on Widgety.


44 Cruise Lines | 240 Travel Agents



Global Pandemic

A set back for the industry, and for us, but with a silver lining that it gave us time to think.


54 Cruise Lines | 300+ Travel Agents



Big Changes are Coming

Started working on the next phase of Widgety.

Core team expansion from 5 – 9.


62 Cruise Lines | 5 Tour Operators | 500+ Travel Agents



Building for the Future

Core team expansion from 9 – 13.

Holidays API in BETA.

Complete move to new AWS server architecture .

Beginning of US partnerships.


72 Cruise Lines | 8 Tour Operators | 1,000+ Travel Agents



The Here & Now

Core team expansion from 13 – 16.

More than 50,000 US agents and homeworkers reached through partnerships. 

New Widgety Platform.

Holidays API released in full. 


72 Cruise Lines | 20 Tour Operators | 1,400+ Travel Agents



Up Next

New Holiday Search coming Q4 2024.

Multiple markets and currencies in the Holidays API.

Upgrade of all operators to include pre and post extensions. 

Plus much, much more…


Meet The Team

Core team

Damian Gevertz


Sandra Barnes-Keywood

Sales Director

Celine Ladoire

IT Director

Louanne Jones

Marketing Director

Scott Anderson

Partnerships Manager

Christi Sibley

Content Manager

Alex Pegas

Integrations & IT Support

Gráinne Gregory

Content Editor

Trinity Ward

Sales Assistant

Sam Jones

Accounts Assistant

Alfie Paddington

IT Apprentice

Ethan Williams

IT Apprentice

Zachary Chambers

Content Editor

Technical team


Project Manager


Business Analyst


Software Developer


Software Developer


Software Developer


Business Analyst


Software Developer


Software Developer


Software Developer

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