Widgety for

Travel Agents

We want to make it easy for you to find the right holiday for your customers, and for cruise lines and tour operators to have an efficient way of ensuring their holidays are easily added into whichever sales channel you want to use.

We can supply video, images, copy and downloadable resources; holidays in incredible detail with daily itineraries and operator specific images. Pricing options for single person to groups, fare sets, special offers and transport options from flight to train. 

Travel Agent Types

Online Agencies
Retail Agencies

The Cruise Search

  • Explore more than 1,000 ships in beautiful detail using the ship search.
    Find the perfect cruise for your customer instantly.
  • See detailed itineraries, including maps with port information.
  • Easily embedded on your website, Facebook pages, apps and anywhere else.

Brochure Rack

  • Fully customisable: choose the colours and fonts, background, borders and the brochures themselves.
  • Choose the number of shelves and how many brochures to feature on each.
  • Display what you want: ocean or river cruises only, just tour operators, or a combination of everything.
  • Over 70 cruise lines and 30 tour operators available with up to date brochures and resources for your customers, and for use by your staff in store or over the phone.

Ship iFrames

  • Up to date information from the cruise lines themselves on every ocean and river ship.
  • Easy to design, customise to match your brand, build and install.
    Keep up with new features, restaurants and refits.
  • Show the information you want and hide what you don’t, or add your own copy and videos.

The Widgety API

For the ambitious after a truly bespoke product, our API is fully flexible and easily integrated.

Request every ship, images, brochure, itinerary, price and available cabin grade for your website, customer quotes and post-booking confirmation.


A Widget is an application that gets added to your web page and brings in information from elsewhere. It displays all the content by itself and doesn't need updating. The clock or the weather apps on your mobile phone are widgets, just like ours

The Cruise Search, Brochure Rack and Ship iFrames can be placed anywhere that accepts HTML. You can read our short installation guide here.

Adding our Widgets to your Facebook page is easy, just follow our guide here or give us a call for a run through. Please note that the Widgets can only be embedded on pages, not groups. If you have less than 2,000 likes on your page you will need to follow this guide instead.

No, any changes you make to your Widget will change elsewhere automatically without you having to touch the code again. Install once, but update as often as you like.

All of the major cruise lines and tour operator brochures are available, but if we are missing any that you would like added please let us know.

Yes, at the moment we can use two of your brand colours for the Cruise Search, with more customisation options being added soon. The Brochure Rack and Ship iFrames are completely customisable.

Ready to Learn more?

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